How To: Get Ready For Your 2022 Surf Camp in Punta Mita & Sayulita

Your Pre - Surf Camp Training Guide

 Learning to surf in Mexico? Check out this guide on how to get fit before your surf camp!

Just signed up for learning to Surf in Mexico with Wild Mex? Yeeew! Well, you best get ready because you are in for an adventure of a lifetime!

From experiencing your first wave to gliding across the ocean as you own it, the feeling you will live through on our epic surf camp in Punta Mita or Sayulita will be unmatchable.

So, what can you do beforehand, to get fit, prepped, and your body in tip-top shape so you can be the best surfer you can be once you arrive at camp? Keep reading to discover more…

Surf Camp Sayulita and Punta Mita

Learn to surf and catch your first wave at the La Lancha surf break

Why Is Training Before Your Sayulita Or Punta Mita Surf Camp Important?

Whether you’ve got 4 weeks or 4 months before your surfing vay-cay it’s important to get yourself prepared for the unreal adventure and experience it’s going to be… but don’t doubt it, surfing is a full-on physical workout!

Surfing is not snowboarding, nor is it skateboarding. You don’t lie down on your snowboard then pop up just as you are gathering speed. Nor does snowboarding or skateboarding require you to paddle your way back up the hill after a big run!

You’ll not only use your leg muscles to control your speed and balance on the mighty waves when surfing in La Lancha, no no no… You’ll also need to paddle your way back out to the sets after you start catching all your waves to the shore!

So, undoubtedly one of the hardest things about surfing is paddling into waves, which requires a lot of upper body strength.

Therefore, our Wild Mex team has prepared a little guide to help you get fit and ready to get into your learning to surf in Mexico experience!

You can warm up and tone your muscles with these workout regimes anywhere from 1 week to 6 months prior to your camp, as often or as little as you like so that you can build the upper body strength that you need to master those majestic waves, like a pro! The more you practice, the more you’ll seamlessly glide into your surf camp experience!

Good luck!


 Build endurance by swimming before you arrive in Mexico for your surf lessons in La Lancha

Surfing for Beginners in Sayulita and Punta Mita can be pretty tough in the first few days when you’re getting used to the paddling technique. So, when preparing yourself for the first few days, swimming is a great way to get your arms and upper body ready to tackle those waves!

Swimming works out many of the muscles that will be used whilst paddling on a surfboard including your upper arms and your shoulder blades. Working your muscles in the water will also get them trained for resistance which you’ll be experiencing a lot of when you’re paddling in the pacific ocean waves.

And most importantly, swimming will also get you used to spending time in the water, coordinating your breathing, and holding your breath while working out there.

Let us prepare you… it is a given that you will experience some wipeouts during your first week of surf lessons In La Lancha and Sayulita as a beginner. So, swimming in the water beforehand (even if it’s a swimming pool) will ensure that you build your confidence and stamina just by being in the water.

In short, spending 1 or 2 hours a week swimming in a pool prior to your surf camp will definitely make your surfing experience much more comfortable!

Guide to Building Strength, Endurance, and Balance

Hitting the water or waves every day might be the best way to get wave-ready, but if you’ve signed up for the camp from a place that’s flat or dry, no need to fret…we’ve got you covered!


 Yoga might seem a little underwhelming if you are looking forward to an epic adventure like surfing in La Lancha, but trust us, yoga is great for surfing…

Yoga might seem a little underwhelming if you are looking forward to an epic adventure like surfing in La Lancha and our nearby areas buuuuuut don’t be so quick to judge… It’s a fact that all types of Yoga will benefit your surfing!

Yoga helps you work on your balance which is a must-have for surfers. It helps you develop core strength and agility which is necessary when you’re doing quick pop-ups and turns whilst surfing – which is of course a given!

Indulging in yoga also keeps your muscles from potentially tearing during fast-paced and strenuous movements like pop-ups or paddling, because it will develop your muscle flexibility from all the stretching.  

So, those stretches and breathing techniques may seem calm and passive, but trust us, it’ll be a lifesaver for learning to surf in Mexico and mastering the wondrous waves when you’re experiencing your first week out there.


WildMex offer surf camps for surfing for beginners in Sayulita. See here how to get fit

Apart from yoga and swimming, the gym can help you build the upper body capacity you need to ace your surf camp in Punta Mita or Sayulita ! From bodyweight exercises to working with dumbbells, building up the stamina and strength you need to surf CAN be done in the gym beforehand!

Best Exercises

✔️1) Hold your dumbbells at thigh-level with palms against your legs. With elbows resting against your waist, move the weights up towards the shoulder and lower them down.

✔️2) Holding your dumbbells at shoulder height with arms out like a cross. Lift the weights overhead, then in front of your head keeping your arms straight.

✔️3) Holding dumbbells in each hand, bend forward while your back is almost parallel to the ground. Lift the weights toward your chest and slowly lower them down.

Try 4 x 10 sets of these exercises with a weight that feels comfortable for you! We recommend at least 1 x per week.


Swimming in a pool may seem calm and passive, but trust us, it’ll be a lifesaver for learning to surf in Mexico!

For endurance, these swimming exercises can help you:

✔️1)      With a floating buoy strapped to the feet, swim 50-meters four times with your head above the water surface. Do this twice a week at least.

✔️2)      Do 50-meter sprints eight times and rest for 30-seconds in between. Do this at least once a week.

✔️3)      For lung capacity, increase the number of strokes you take before each breath. Start each lap at two strokes and increase the number as you build capacity.


Get fit for your surf camp in Sayulita using an Indo Board!

Waves can be relentless and uncertain! So, an Indo Board can do the trick to experience your first surfboard - on dry land!

On the Indo board, try to stand still for 90 seconds. You should try an activity like bouncing a tennis ball on the floor for 90 seconds without letting the board touch the ground. A harder position may be standing still whilst positioned in a squat and rocking back and forth.

At the final level, you should be able to do slow squats on the board without letting it touch the ground!

Summing it Up

With the exercises mentioned, you’ll be more than ready to start your surf camp in Punta Mita or Sayulita ! Plus, all the waiting prior to your surf camp will be put to best use! 😉 

The great thing about surfing is, as you get better, so does the feeling! So, why not start early? 

Up for the challenge?

We can’t wait to welcome you!

Peace & love

Wild Mex