Spot the White Nosed Coatie while hiking in Punta Mita by the white hair around his mouth and nose.
By WildMex

Hiking Trails in the Punta Mita and Sayulita Area

A Visitor’s Guide to Animal Species

Hikes in Punta Mita with WildMex are full of fun-engaging activities for an outstanding day!

Are you ready to spot some of the coolest animals on our Hiking Trails in Sayulita and Punta Mita?

There’s no doubt that Wildlife spotting on hikes always doubles the fun and boosts your excitement levels! Fortunately, most of the animals found on our hikes in the Pacific Northwest are non-aggressive and it is also possible that you might not see any wildlife during a hike. 

However, reading this blog and learning about the wildlife and the best way to spot it/ what to do if you do spot something whilst out hiking, will help you be fully prepared for whatever our wondrous nature has in store for you. 

Excited to explore the wildlife that you might see on the Hikes in Punta Mita? This blog will tell you everything you need to know. So, let’s make a start! 

What to expect on our hiking trails in Sayulita and Punta Mita?

Hikes in Punta Mita and Sayulita bring so many mesmerizing activities for an outstanding experience. 

These activities range from crossing the rocks while hiking through the shady areas, discovering the beautiful plants and animals, and exploring the local towns, jungles, and beautiful beaches. 

In addition, hiking in San Pancho and the famous monkey mountain offers a fantastic opportunity to traverse the beautiful and relaxing views of the area while exploring eye-catching plant and animal life. 

Here are some of the coolest animals that you might find within our Jungle Hikes in Punta Mita and Sayulita…

White Nosed Coati

White Nosed Coatie while hiking in Punta Mita


As his name points out, the White Nosed Coati is from the species of Coati which is also famously known as Pizote, Tejon, and Bin-Dog, etc. These Coaties are associated with the Procyanidae family. 

They are often found by adventure-seekers hiking in Punta Mita or on Monkey Mountain as many of them inhabit themselves in the woody areas of forests. 

An amazing fact about them is that they love climbing trees and picking up food for themselves. They love eating fruits, insects, small vertebrae, and eggs. 

While climbing on trees, they use their tails to maintain balance. They also insert their nose into the flowers on trees to ingest nectar from them! Look up high for the best chance to spot these beauties!

Green iguana

Keep your eyes peeled for the spiny-tailed green iguana while Hiking in Punta Mita


The Green Iguana belongs to the family Iguanidae and is most commonly found in western Mexico (exactly where we are!). The long spines are present all over their back with yellowish/brownish keeled scales to their tails. 

Green Iguanas are fast-moving, excellent climbers, and famous as solitary animals. Trees and rocky surfaces are the ideal habitats for them, so Hiking Monkey Mountain in Punta Mita is the ideal location to spot them. 

Most Green Iguanas feed on small animals, insects, and eggs. However, some also eat fruits, stems, and flowers. 


Tlacuache are the small cousins of Kangaroos and are fun to spot on Hikes in Punta Mita


Just like an Australian kangaroo, baby Tlacuache also spends a noticeable time in the pouch of the mother. After learning the basic life lessons in the mother’s pouch, it later comes out to start experiencing life itself. 

These Tlacuaches are harmless animals with low body temperatures. This feature also makes them incapable of carrying and transmitting rabies. 

In addition, Tlacuache are omnivorous which means that they eat fruits, plants, small animals, and even mice.  You’ll most commonly find them on jungle Hikes in Punta Mita and Sayulita. 

Boa Constrictor

Beware of large-bodied Boa Constrictor during Jungle Hikes in Sayulita


The Boa Constrictor is a species of heavy-bodied snake, also known as the Red-tailed Boa. 

An interesting fact about Boa Constrictor is that the females are greater in size than the males. A mature Boa constrictor female is approx the size of 7-10 feet while a mature male ranges within 6-8ft. 

Young ones easily climb on trees and shrubs while the older ones become terrestrial due to their heavyweight. 

They mainly feed on the eggs of other animals. However, they also rely on eating insects, small animals, and rodents. Stay alert and watch your step – you might spot one on your jungle hike in Sayulita. 

(Always remember to keep your distance from wild animals, especially if you’re hiking with children!)


The Nine-banded Armadillos are fun to spot on Jungle Hikes in Punta Mita


Armadillos are solitary mammals of medium-sized that inhabit grasslands, rain forests, and dry scrubs. 

Due to being sexually dimorphic, their males are bigger in weight and height than the females. 

The feature that makes them unique is their outer body where bony plates/armors cover with leathery skin. These armors are flexible coverings but make a harder outer surface for the animal’s protection. 

An amazing fact about Armadillos is that they eat approx 500 varying foods. Among these, the most common ones include spiders, snails, grubs, bees, wasps, and a number of reptiles.

White-Tailed Deer

White-tailed deer is a must-see animal while Hiking in San Pancho


The White-tailed Deer is native to Central and North America, and also South Africa. During summer and spring, it maintains a reddish-brown coat that turns to grey-brown upon the arrival of winter. 

Its name, ‘White-tailed’ Deer, is due to its white color under the tail that stays the same throughout the year. 

Unlike other Deers, White-tailed Deers eat plenty of food. Legumes, leaves, and grasses are their favored ones here in Punta Mita and Sayulita. 

Another interesting fact about the White-tailed Deer is that they use varying modes of communication. They make audible noises for protection while also communicating through making markings, scents, and body language. This Deer is often spotted hiking in San Pancho! 


Hiking in San Pancho may also introduce you to the Javalina


The Javalina, also called the Musk Hog, is abundantly seen in many parts of tropical/subtropical America. 

On average, the Javalina has a height of approx 20-24 inches and weighs between 35 to 60 pounds. They eat a great variety of foods such as insects, nuts, vegetables, plants, lizards, fish, eggs, frogs, and even snakes. 

They live in groups and inhabit the roots of trees and also the caves. They are usually harmless but have been known to attack if felt threatened in any way. We recommend keeping your distance and admiring from afar if you do so happen to spot one. 


Jaguar is the third largest animal in the world and has been spotted within Jungle Hikes in Punta Mita!

Picture Courtesy of Big Cat Jaguar.

The Jaguar is one of the world’s largest cats and is native to the American region. It outweighs tigers and lions by weighing in at approx 96kgs in body mass. In America, it is famous as the largest cat species while it comes as the third-largest in the world. 

Its pale yellow color with black spots enhances its beauty but it goes without saying, that it’s one of the most dangerous animals in the jungles here. 

The good news is that the Jaguar is less common to see on our hikes but they are known to inhabit the area where you’ll hike such as our Jungle Hikes in Punta Mita. Hence, why we always recommend going with a WildMex guide! 

The sad news is that the jaguar is an endangered species here as it is facing habitat loss. Therefore, it is important to never threaten a jaguar if you see one hiking. If you do happen to spot one whilst you’re out hiking without a guide, we recommend simply walking backward, away from the Jaguar, and to a safe place as slowly as possible, whilst keeping your face towards it at all times – (Jaguars like to attack from behind). If you’d like to donate to the local cause to help this endangered species, please follow the link here. 

Additionally, immediately inform our team and the nearby wildlife offices in such situations. Contact info here.

How To Spot Wildlife While Hiking?

What to do for the best chance of spotting wildlife whilst Hiking Monkey Mountain in Punta Mita


Here are our top tips for your best chance at spotting wildlife during hiking in our local area!

  • Keep your eyes open and be observant whilst hiking. 
  • Avoid making noises or loud voices whilst hiking trails in Sayulita.
  • Never attempt to threaten the wildlife in any way. 
  • Make small groups of two or three people while hiking. 
  • Keep your moves slow and small and watch around you.
  • Make sure you also carry a camera with you that includes a telephoto lens. 
  • If you see any wildlife, simply step back or move on quietly without letting them know of your presence. 
  • Maintain a distance between you and wildlife for the safety of both of you.

There is nothing more enjoyable than hiking in our wondrous jungles and spotting local wildlife! 

Let’s bring a refreshing change to your beach holiday by planning a Hike in Punta Mita and Sayulita with WildMex.

Jump here for all prices, packages, and hike details, or book your hiking tour with us here and now for an outstanding experience, you can look forward to on your next trip!

Peace & Love,


Aprenda qué configuración de quillas de tabla de surf es mejor? El Thruster o el Quad Fin en nuestro WildMex Intermediate Surf Camp en Punta Mita
By WildMex

Which Surfboard Fin Setup to Choose? Thruster vs Quad Fin

Learn Which is better? The Thruster or the Quad Fin at our WildMex Intermediate Surf Camp In Punta Mita

Did you know that your surfboard’s fins play a BIG role in your board’s performance? 

Our intermediate surf campers do because that’s just one of the elements we teach within the theory at our surf camp in Punta Mita! Learn more here. 

Believe it or not, almost 40% of your board’s performance comes down to your choice of fins, so, we think it’s pretty crucial you know these kinda’ deets that other surf camps don’t take the time to teach you! 

This means switching out your fins, or your fin configuration when surfing in Punta Mita and beyond will play a key role in how your board is going to want to be surfed and therefore, how you will perform in the water on any given day.  But which surfboard fin setup to choose?

Whether you’re a big wave rider looking to maximize the chances of you making a giant section, or a local surf-enthusiast simply looking for faster ways to go down-the-line, today we are offering you the inside scoop into our surf camp in Punta Mita theory! So, keep reading here to discover more as we explore the difference between these two famous fin setups and learn What and When to ride. 


The History of Surfboard fin Setup

The popular quad and thruster share a parallel origin story. Both were developed in the early 80s within Australia and both were a response to the fiasco that almost everyone was having transitioning from single to twin fins! Eeeeep. 


What’s the Main Difference of Surfboard Fin Setup?

So, what’s the difference between the Quad (4-fin set-up) and the Thruster (3-fin set-up)? 

In short, Quads go faster and Thrusters turn better, but it goes way deeper than that, keep reading here for the details of each for you to consider what’s gonna work best for you… 

Why Choose The Quad Fin Set-Up?

 We offer a rad range of boards from Single fin to Thrusters and Quad fin setups at our Surf Board Rental in Punta Mita.

Everyone wants that quick but loose feeling while maintaining control when surfing, right? Well, that’s exactly what you get with the quad setup.

Quad surfboard fin setup

This setup brings out the fastest top speeds possible and can be put to play either in big and heavy waves, or small and mushy waves, it all comes down to the fin placement!

Why not try setting up your quad with the rear fins closer to the rail and slightly further up on smaller days for fast maneuvers and flexibility on the tail. And, on bigger days try out the quad with the fins placed back a little and also close to the rail for extra speed and hold on the face of the wave.

The quad will allow you that extra horsepower out the gate compared to the 3fin set-up and once you’re on your feet, don’t be surprised when you experience that instant oomph of down the line speed instead of having to pump your board!

WildMex likes to surf the quad at Burros & Paredon during south swells for better chances of making the faster sections! 

Why Choose The Thruster Fin Set-Up?

Surfing in La Lancha? Check out our variety of boards from Single fin to Thrusters and Quad fin setups from our rad range of 300+ surfboards.

When will you thrive with the thruster?

On those super rippable days

Whilst the quad works in both giant or mushy days, the thruster thrives on those high-quality, epic surf days. Think shoulder to slightly overhead, top to bottom, and plenty of room to move around, not too small, not too big, not too fast, and not weak either, just good quality waves that are simply just rippable.

When you have time to perform instead of having to glide and avoid certain sections, the thruster offers optimum performance value, with the fin placement in the back, you’re offered controlled drag that comes in useful when wanting to surf at a higher level on good quality waves.

Thrusters do still work in small waves, and big waves too but that will all come down to your fin of choice, buuuut, that’s for another blog! 😉 

WildMex likes to surf the thruster at Burros on North Swells and La Lancha all the time to perform quick, tight turns and pivots!!




The Recap

Why not try surfing in Punta Mita at our intermediate surf camp here in Mexico to accelerate your surfing abilities with oomph?

At our surf camp in Punta Mita, we teach our students about the different surfboard fin setups – their advantages and disadvantages and how finding the right fin setup for your choice of wave and surfing style is crucial to perform better and accelerate your surfing abilities whilst here surfing in Punta Mita and beyond. 

The Quad Setup
  • Quick 
  • Fast 
  • Loose 
  • Responsive
  • Fast-reacting
  • Works in a variety of wave types 
  • Many variations of fin placements to provide whatever type of ride the surfboard was designed for
The Thruster Setup
  • Stable 
  • Predictable
  • Radical manoeuvrability 
  • Controlled drag 
  • Increased lateral drive
  • Performs quick, tight turns and pivots
  • Speedy redirection
  • Performs at a higher level on good quality waves
  • More options available in the marketplace
  • More styles and designs on offer too! 

What’s Best for You?

The question we often get asked at our surfboard rental in Punta Mita is: “Which is better, the thruster or the quad?” Read here to discover…

With the bulk of surfboards coming in the 5-fin convertible option, the question we often get asked at our surf camp in Punta Mita is:

Which is better, the thruster or the quad?

We have no simple answer to this question, other than – both are superb. It all just depends on what you want and need out of yours! Hence the reason why so many boards come with a 5-fin option, allowing you to experience the variety of both. 

In the quest to push the boundaries of the imaginable in waves both big and small, your understanding of the real difference between the thruster and the quad setup is vital, so that you can choose for yourself which is best for YOU. 

So, one thing you’ll want to consider when choosing between the fin setup of quad fins vs thruster is which type of waves you’ll be surfing most often; and how exactly you wish your surfing style to be. 

We know that thrusters offer more predictability and control while quads are fast-reacting and quick. So, what are you looking for and which is right for you?​

Now it’s time to be your own board engineer! 

Try both and figure out what works best for you. Changing fins in a board can make the board feel like a completely different board! So, why not give it a go? 

Surfing in La Lancha at sunset couldn’t get much dreamer than this… Choose from our range of 300+ boards at our local Surf Board Rental in Punta Mita.

In the area and looking at surfing in La Lancha? We offer a variety of boards from Single fin to Thrusters and Quad fin setups from our rad range of 300+ surfboards at our. Check the range and prices here

Best of luck!

Surf Wax Guide for Learning To Surf In Mexico’s Punta Mita & Sayulita, Which surf wax are the locals using & why? - Cera para tablas de surf
By WildMex

What Type Of Surf Wax Should I Use?

Surf Wax Guide for Learning To Surf In Mexico’s Punta Mita & Sayulita

Girl waxing a surfboard at a surf camp

When learning to surf in Mexico’s Punta Mita and Sayulita one of the basics is learning what type of wax to use here and how to use it.

Some of the most frequently asked questions we get asked at our surf camp in Punta Mita are amongst the likes of – “When should I wax my surfboard?”, “Where should I wax my surfboard?” and “Which type of wax should I use?” All of these questions plus more will be answered in this full guide to surf wax that we created for you!

Keep reading to learn more…

How do you wax a surfboard for the first time?

 When learning to surf in Mexico’s Punta Mita and Sayulita one of the basics is learning what type of wax to use here and how to use it. 

Why Do You Use Surf Wax? 

Even the pro surfers wouldn’t dare step foot on the slippy deck of an unwaxed board, so don’t be the kook who forgets to wax up before paddling out – because that’s just a disaster waiting to happen!

In short, you use surf wax for grip. Whether you’re a seasoned ripper or an eager rookie, it’s safe to say that you’ve jumped up on your board and slipped right off at some point, right? Well, the wax helps prevent that – creating grip between you and your board, to allow you to paddle and ride it without sliding straight off. 

No one is resistant to the slippery gamble of not applying surf wax before paddling out, so make sure you bring a few boxes with you if you’re traveling solo surfing in Sayulita and Punta Mita. If you’ve come to learn to surf in Mexico at our surf camp in Punta Mita, don’t sweat it – your surf wax will be provided.

How Much is Surf Wax? 

Thankfully, wax is the most economical of all your surfing essentials. Costing around $3-4USD per bar, so, as the key ingredient to your surfing journey – be sure to stock up on brands such as – Sticky Bumps, Mrs. Palmers, Wave Equation, Sex Wax, Butta, or any of your preferred kinds. (Keep reading for further details on our recommendations). 

Keep in mind that your choice of wax will come down to where you’re off to! So, based on your trip’s climate and water temperature, you’ll need to plan accordingly. 


Surf wax used on a surfboard

If you’ve come to learn to surf in Mexico at our surf camp in Punta Mita, don’t sweat it – your surf wax will be provided.

Which Surf Wax Should You Use for Surfing in Punta Mita & Sayulita?

Learning which wax to buy for which conditions is key. Check out our temperature guide here: 

Temperature Guide for Surf Wax

  • From 22°C (72°F) upwards, opt for tropical-water wax.
  • From 18°C (65°F) to 22°C (72°F), opt for warm-water wax.
  • From 14°C (58°F) to 18°C (65°F), opt for cool-water wax.
  • For temperatures below 14°C (58°F), opt for cold-water wax.

During the colder water months surfing in Punta Mita and Sayulita (Jan-April), you’ll require the warm-water wax, you might also want a wetsuit top for sunset and early morning sessions. 

During the warmer water months (May-Dec) you’ll be better suited to tropical-water wax. The water here tends to cool down and warm up later than the weather (more or less one month later!) So, we start feeling “cooler” weather in Dec, but the water gets cooler in Jan. The weather will warm up again in April, however, the water won’t be warmer again until May. 

Surfers running on a beach with surfboards at sunset

 Learning to surf in Mexico during the colder water months (Jan-April)? Then you’ll require the warm-water wax!


Our Top Surf Wax Recommendations 


Mrs. Palmers Surf Wax: Base Coat Wax

Don’t overlook the base coat! Not only will a base coat add extra grip to your board but it will also help your top coat go further. You’ll need to put your elbow into the applying (just like any other base coat) but once it’s done you can expect a super, long-lasting hold. 

Fu Wax: Tropical Water Wax

Fu Wax is a Brazilian wax brand that grants exceptional performance and feels good under your feet. 

Not only does Fu Wax glue your feet to the board like no other wax around, but it also smells insane too. This wax is soft and offers an easy application, but not so soft that it’s only great for the first few pop-ups.

Surfing in Punta Mita’s tropical waters between May-Dec? Then Fu Wax is our top recommendation!

Sticky Bumps: Warm Water Wax

This wax does its job in the water. 

With decades of use, we LOVE Sticky Bumps at Wild Mex, not just because the unique bumps of wax left after using this stick hold their shape for the long run but because they also offer exceptional grip and performance, no matter your ability or surfing style. 

This wax is both sticky and durable and will hold up well while surfing in Sayulita and Punta Mita between the months of Jan-April. 

Sticky Bumps: Pink Wax Comb

Sticky Bumps: Pink Surf Wax Comb

Learning to surf in Mexico? Don’t underestimate the mighty power of a wax comb!

Why do we use pink at Wild Mex? Because when it’s pink, it’s harder to lose!
Not only will your wax comb will save you in moments you’re outta wax by roughing up the current wax on your board, but it will also be necessary for the moment you need to renew the wax on your board once it’s been overapplied and has become slippery. 

Use the straight edge for scraping the done-with wax off and the jagged edge for creating texture and grip. Yeeew! 

Your FAQs Answered:

Surf Wax Guide for Learning To Surf In Mexico’s Punta Mita & Sayulita,  Which surf wax are the locals using & why?

Sharpen your surf skills with our surf camp in Punta Mita for intermediate surfers.

“When Should I Wax My Surfboard?”

Many rookies who surf in Sayulita think their boards need a good ole’ waxing before every surf session, in fact, this is a common misconception. Really, your board only requires a light waxing before hitting the waves, if you feel you’re losing traction, this is when a deeper waxing will be required. 

If you’ve invested in a base coat and you’ve applied it correctly, you’ll find that you’ll be required to wax it less. On the contrary, if you’re surfing every day, you’ll find that you’ll need to wax it more. 

“Where Should I Wax My Surfboard?”

Put simply – the area where you plan to place your feet. 

BUT don’t underestimate how much of the board’s surface area your feet make contact with (especially if you’re using a longboard.)

We always suggest making a thin layer of wax on the whole board, with a more generous application where your feet will be planted, stepping, or dancing!

“Should I Wax My Foamie?”

Most foam surfboards are built with materials to provide excellent traction, however, if you find you keep slipping – a little wax never hurt anybody! 


Surf Wax Guide for Learning To Surf In Mexico’s Punta Mita & Sayulita,  Which surf wax are the locals using & why?

If you’re looking for surfboard rental in Punta Mita, we do offer wax but recommend bringing extra anyway – just in case.

Summing it up 

So, if you’ve bought the right wax, you’re halfway there. Now, simply apply where needed to set yourself up for toes on the nose!
If you’re looking for surfboard rental in Punta Mita, on the list for one of oursurf camps in Punta Mita, or simply coming with your own board, we recommend bringing extra wax anyway – just in case. Alternatively, you can purchase once you arrive at any of the local surf shops.

Final tip: Don’t forget to keep your wax out of the way of the sun – trust us, that’s not the kinda’ sticky situation you wanna be in!


Whilst your surf wax may ooze aromas of bubblegum, banana, and other delicious things, we do not recommend eating it (no matter how hungry you get mid-sesh) – there’s absolutely no nutritional value! 😉

Happy Surfing in Mexico!!!!


Hiking trails in Punta Mita
By WildMex

Hiking Trails in Punta Mita and Sayulita Area

A Visitor’s Guide to Trees to see on Hikes in Sayulita and Punta Mita

Hikes in Sayulita

Jungle Monkey Mountain Hike in San Pancho overlooking the beautiful Sayulita beach - Hikes in Sayulita
Hikes in Sayulita

Hikes in Sayulita

Hikes in Sayulita

Our jungle hike in San Pancho will start from the beautiful beach of Sayulita. 

Spring is HERE, and even though you may still be shoveling snow in some areas of the world and spending your evenings sipping warm beverages by the fireplace, it’s time to plan your Spring travel itinerary to make the most out of what spring has to offer here in Mexico. 

If you’re a nature admirer, you’d know that there’s no better place to enjoy Spring than in the Nayarit area and specifically Punta de Mita and Sayulita. (Nayarit is a small state in western Mexico between the forested mountains of the Sierra Madre Occidental and the magnificent Pacific Ocean!). Many people are yet to discover the nature in these destinations, so, you can say they’re two natural gems waiting to be discovered (by you, of course, on your next trip!) 😉 

Explore jungles where jaguars roam, crocs creep, and exotic tropical wildlife sing and dance within the vicinity of beautiful hidden beaches and epic sightseeing hikes in Punta Mita and Sayulita. The soothing ocean breeze, warm sun, and colorful landscapes here offer the perfect setting for you to explore, relax and live W I L D. Whilst the breathtaking 360-degree views you can enjoy hiking Monkey Mountain in Punta Mita *by gosh* put the cherry on top! 

What To Expect On Your Hikes in Sayulita and Punta Mita Trails?

People on a jungle hike in San Pancho, Nayarit, Mexico.

Malpaso beach and its incredible views are one stop in our jungle hike in San Pancho with Wildmex 

With Wildmex, there’s never a slow day… unless you want one. With our jungle hikes in San Pancho, Sayulita, and Punta Mita you’ll get the chance to hike along shady paths, scramble up rocks, pass an abundance of flora and fauna, and emerge onto rocky outcrops with mesmerizing views of the surrounding jungles, beaches, and towns. We can undoubtedly say that our fun-filled hikes will ensure a trip you’ll remember for a lifetime!

But if there’s one thing you’ll absolutely love to see on the hiking trails in Sayulita, it’s the magnificent trees here surrounding the trail. 

Interested in finding out more about what you may see? Keep reading!

Forest Ecosystem In Punta Mita and Sayulita

Hiking trails in Punta Mita and Sayulita are accentuated because of the area’s diverse ecosystem. Punta Mita is a Selva Caducifolia or deciduous forest with trees that turn beautiful shades during the Autumn season and shed their leaves in the dry season. Whilst Sayulita is a mix of both the Selva Caducifolia and the Evergreen Jungle. The Evergreen Jungle is made up of rainforest trees, grand, green, and luscious. It’s a pure treat for the eyes, and attracts a wide range of bird and animal species, making this spot your calling if you are truly a nature person. 

If you plan to take a tour on land, you can ride a mountain bike through the lush, unspoiled Sierra Madre Forest in Punta Mita, or you can explore the diverse landscape on foot along the vivid hiking trails in Sayulita.

A diverse ecosystem has created a tapestry of natural wonders in Punta Mita and Sayulita, with nature’s handiwork visible in every acre of these beautiful zones. From colorful marine and wildlife to magnificent flowers and trees – you can find everything here. 

Here are some wonderful trees you’ll spot when hiking in the Punta De Mita and Sayulita area:


Cohune Palm

Cohune Palm Seed Cluster native to Mexico and parts of Central America

The Cohune Palm jeweled with the cohune seeds are a sight to see during the jungle hikes in San Pancho

The Cohune Palm is a single-stemmed, evergreen palm, also sometimes known under the names of Attalea Cohune, Rain Tree, American Oil Palm, Corozo Palm, or Manaca palm). This species of palm tree is native to Mexico and parts of Central America. Its growth is relatively 

slow, but the tree can reach a height of more than 20 meters eventually. The cohune palm is used in the production of cohune oil and its nut can be used as a variety of vegetable ivory.

Coconut Palm

Coconut palms at the Sayulita beach at sunset

 The coconut palms at the Sayulita beach mark the start of the Hiking Trails in Punta Mita with Wildmex

The Coconut Palm is a beautiful and majestic feather palm often cultivated as an ornament in many areas and also for its edible fruit – the coconut! This Palm can grow up to 30 meters tall and exist as true cultural icons for the tropics. 


“Gringo” Tree peeling in Sayulita Beach

The Papelillo tree’s twists and multi-branches are a true delight for the eyes during our hike in San Pancho

The Papelillo tree grows rapidly up to 100 feet tall into a twisting, multi-branching tree that flourishes in both wet season and dry. A true delight for the eyes!

The English name for this is the Paper Bark Tree – the English name graphically describes the red bark that peels off in paper-like shreds.

Papelillo trees grow all over the Mexican Pacific coast and surround most of Sayulita, so you can expect to see plenty of them along our hiking trails in Sayulita.


Sacred thorny ceiba tree in Sayulita, Nayarit

 The thorny Ceiba are a one of a kind trees that you encounter during jungle hikes in San Pancho

Ceiba is a tropical tree native to Mexico, South America, and a few other areas. This tree can reach up to 200 feet in height, towering over our other rainforest vegetation.

The Ceiba is an amazing tree in its adolescence, even if it does look a bit daunting with its distinctive large thorns on the trunk. Why would a tree have such creepy-looking spikes on it? Well, when the tree is young it has yet to fully develop its roots system, therefore having spikes prevents animals from damaging the semi-delicate developing trees.

Ceiba trees grow in wet evergreen and dry semi-deciduous tropical forests covering Punta Mita and Sayulita. The tree has a broad, flat crown of horizontal branches – a magnificent giant indeed!

Papelillo trees grow all over the Mexican Pacific coast and surround most of Sayulita, so you can expect to see plenty of them along our hiking trails in Sayulita.


 Tropical Giant: Parota / Huancaxtle Tree Punta Mita Mexico

Experience the wide Parota in any of our hikes in Punta Mita and feel that humbling feeling from its hugemongous spreading crown. 

The Parota is one of the largest trees in the dry forest area of Mexico and Central America, reaching up to 12 feet in diameter and 40m in height with a huge spreading crown. 

Such trees are a common sight in the Punta de Mita and Sayulita area – and we’re not complaining. After all, they’re hugeeeee and bloomin’ beautiful!

The Parota is used here in Mexico as an interesting option for sustainable wooden furniture and is also believed to provide medical benefits. In Mexican folk medicine, the sap is thought to aid illnesses such as the flu and bronchitis. 

Spot this tree by looking for an expansive, often spherical crown, and its curiously shaped seed pods!


Primavera Trees in bloom Nayarit

The Primavera is dotted with pink or yellow flowers that come along sparsely during the Hiking Trails in Punta Mita

Primavera is a large rainforest canopy tree with relatively smooth whitish bark and showy pink or yellow flowers in large panicles-clusters.

The primavera tree is used in hot weather gardens worldwide, especially in regions with a definite division between dry and wet seasons, like the Punta Mita and Sayulita areas.


Spot the Amapa on your hike in Sayulita

Spot the Amapa on your hike in Sayulita by its outstanding bright yellow and pink flowers

Amapa is one of the flashiest trees in the tropical deciduous forest surrounding Punta Mita and Sayulita. 

This type of tree flowers for about two weeks per flush and may have two or more flushes per year. What a lovely gift these beautiful flowers are to see on a sunny Spring day here in Mexico! 

It is unusually long-lived for a tropical tree, living up to 300 years! It grows between 15 to 50 feet tall with a straight trunk that is usually unbranched to about half the tree’s height. 

Spot this tree on your hike in Sayulita by its outstanding bright yellow and pink flowers! 

Strangler Fig

Exotic Tropical Tree Strangler Fig

Your Hike in Sayulita is incomplete if you don’t click a picture with the Strangler Fig which is truly unique being true to its name.

The strangler fig is undoubtedly one of the most visually striking trees you’ll ever see in the rainforest or anywhere else. Named for their pattern of growth upon host trees, which often results in the host’s death. The “strangling” growth habit is an adaptation for growing in dark forests and jungles where the competition for light is intense. 

Lucky for you, there are plenty of Stranglers to be seen in and around Sayulita and Punta de Mita. So, keep your eyes open as you walk through the jungle hikes in Sayulita here and you’ll be able to spot a Strangler Fig easily!


The Capomo tree nut is used as a unique brewed coffee substitute

The Capomo tree is known for its ability to grow in all types of climates, and its seed Capomo, which is classified as a superfood!! In fact, even its leaves are edible.

You’ll find an abundance of Capomo trees in the Punta Mita and Sayulita area, so don’t forget to try its seeds (nuts) and leaves (which can be eaten like spinach). 

The Capomo nut is used as a unique brewed coffee substitute. This superfood coffee alternative looks, tastes, and smells like coffee while boasting countless health benefits.

You can spot this tree within the hiking trails in Sayulita and within the best hikes in Punta Mita too! Just look out for its distinctive nuts. 

You can spot this tree within the hiking trails in Sayulita and within the best hikes in Punta Mita too! Just look out for its distinctive nuts. 

The Last Ramble

Views of Sayulita beach hike

Views of Sayulita on the return hike in San Pancho will leave you in awe and yearning for more

There’s nothing more exciting than seeing the species you’ve only seen or read about on the Internet, experiencing the magnitude of the fauna, and connecting with mother nature at her finest – in the flesh!

You’d be happy to know that you can experience this excitement, once you sign up for a jungle hike in the Punta Mita and Sayulita areas with Wild Mex. 

If you’re not already signed up, enquire here about a wild tour with one of our expert hiking guides and get to know the ins and outs – from the glorious Parota trees to beautiful Amapa flowers, you get to witness it all.

Until then, keep your spirits and expectations high, because our back garden won’t disappoint!

With love and peace,


Learning to surf in Mexico? Check out this guide on how to get fit before your surf camp!
By WildMex

How To: Get Ready For Your 2022 Surf Camp in Punta Mita & Sayulita

Your Pre - Surf Camp Training Guide

 Learning to surf in Mexico? Check out this guide on how to get fit before your surf camp!

Just signed up for learning to Surf in Mexico with Wild Mex? Yeeew! Well, you best get ready because you are in for an adventure of a lifetime!

From experiencing your first wave to gliding across the ocean as you own it, the feeling you will live through on our epic surf camp in Punta Mita or Sayulita will be unmatchable.

So, what can you do beforehand, to get fit, prepped, and your body in tip-top shape so you can be the best surfer you can be once you arrive at camp? Keep reading to discover more…

Surf Camp Sayulita and Punta Mita

Learn to surf and catch your first wave at the La Lancha surf break

Why Is Training Before Your Sayulita Or Punta Mita Surf Camp Important?

Whether you’ve got 4 weeks or 4 months before your surfing vay-cay it’s important to get yourself prepared for the unreal adventure and experience it’s going to be… but don’t doubt it, surfing is a full-on physical workout!

Surfing is not snowboarding, nor is it skateboarding. You don’t lie down on your snowboard then pop up just as you are gathering speed. Nor does snowboarding or skateboarding require you to paddle your way back up the hill after a big run!

You’ll not only use your leg muscles to control your speed and balance on the mighty waves when surfing in La Lancha, no no no… You’ll also need to paddle your way back out to the sets after you start catching all your waves to the shore!

So, undoubtedly one of the hardest things about surfing is paddling into waves, which requires a lot of upper body strength.

Therefore, our Wild Mex team has prepared a little guide to help you get fit and ready to get into your learning to surf in Mexico experience!

You can warm up and tone your muscles with these workout regimes anywhere from 1 week to 6 months prior to your camp, as often or as little as you like so that you can build the upper body strength that you need to master those majestic waves, like a pro! The more you practice, the more you’ll seamlessly glide into your surf camp experience!

Good luck!


 Build endurance by swimming before you arrive in Mexico for your surf lessons in La Lancha

Surfing for Beginners in Sayulita and Punta Mita can be pretty tough in the first few days when you’re getting used to the paddling technique. So, when preparing yourself for the first few days, swimming is a great way to get your arms and upper body ready to tackle those waves!

Swimming works out many of the muscles that will be used whilst paddling on a surfboard including your upper arms and your shoulder blades. Working your muscles in the water will also get them trained for resistance which you’ll be experiencing a lot of when you’re paddling in the pacific ocean waves.

And most importantly, swimming will also get you used to spending time in the water, coordinating your breathing, and holding your breath while working out there.

Let us prepare you… it is a given that you will experience some wipeouts during your first week of surf lessons In La Lancha and Sayulita as a beginner. So, swimming in the water beforehand (even if it’s a swimming pool) will ensure that you build your confidence and stamina just by being in the water.

In short, spending 1 or 2 hours a week swimming in a pool prior to your surf camp will definitely make your surfing experience much more comfortable!

Guide to Building Strength, Endurance, and Balance

Hitting the water or waves every day might be the best way to get wave-ready, but if you’ve signed up for the camp from a place that’s flat or dry, no need to fret…we’ve got you covered!


 Yoga might seem a little underwhelming if you are looking forward to an epic adventure like surfing in La Lancha, but trust us, yoga is great for surfing…

Yoga might seem a little underwhelming if you are looking forward to an epic adventure like surfing in La Lancha and our nearby areas buuuuuut don’t be so quick to judge… It’s a fact that all types of Yoga will benefit your surfing!

Yoga helps you work on your balance which is a must-have for surfers. It helps you develop core strength and agility which is necessary when you’re doing quick pop-ups and turns whilst surfing – which is of course a given!

Indulging in yoga also keeps your muscles from potentially tearing during fast-paced and strenuous movements like pop-ups or paddling, because it will develop your muscle flexibility from all the stretching.  

So, those stretches and breathing techniques may seem calm and passive, but trust us, it’ll be a lifesaver for learning to surf in Mexico and mastering the wondrous waves when you’re experiencing your first week out there.


WildMex offer surf camps for surfing for beginners in Sayulita. See here how to get fit

Apart from yoga and swimming, the gym can help you build the upper body capacity you need to ace your surf camp in Punta Mita or Sayulita ! From bodyweight exercises to working with dumbbells, building up the stamina and strength you need to surf CAN be done in the gym beforehand!

Best Exercises

✔️1) Hold your dumbbells at thigh-level with palms against your legs. With elbows resting against your waist, move the weights up towards the shoulder and lower them down.

✔️2) Holding your dumbbells at shoulder height with arms out like a cross. Lift the weights overhead, then in front of your head keeping your arms straight.

✔️3) Holding dumbbells in each hand, bend forward while your back is almost parallel to the ground. Lift the weights toward your chest and slowly lower them down.

Try 4 x 10 sets of these exercises with a weight that feels comfortable for you! We recommend at least 1 x per week.


Swimming in a pool may seem calm and passive, but trust us, it’ll be a lifesaver for learning to surf in Mexico!

For endurance, these swimming exercises can help you:

✔️1)      With a floating buoy strapped to the feet, swim 50-meters four times with your head above the water surface. Do this twice a week at least.

✔️2)      Do 50-meter sprints eight times and rest for 30-seconds in between. Do this at least once a week.

✔️3)      For lung capacity, increase the number of strokes you take before each breath. Start each lap at two strokes and increase the number as you build capacity.


Get fit for your surf camp in Sayulita using an Indo Board!

Waves can be relentless and uncertain! So, an Indo Board can do the trick to experience your first surfboard - on dry land!

On the Indo board, try to stand still for 90 seconds. You should try an activity like bouncing a tennis ball on the floor for 90 seconds without letting the board touch the ground. A harder position may be standing still whilst positioned in a squat and rocking back and forth.

At the final level, you should be able to do slow squats on the board without letting it touch the ground!

Summing it Up

With the exercises mentioned, you’ll be more than ready to start your surf camp in Punta Mita or Sayulita ! Plus, all the waiting prior to your surf camp will be put to best use! 😉 

The great thing about surfing is, as you get better, so does the feeling! So, why not start early? 

Up for the challenge?

We can’t wait to welcome you!

Peace & love

Wild Mex

Learning to Surf in Mexico Wild Mex Surf Camp
By WildMex

Learning to Surf in Mexico

What Intermediate Surfers can Expect from the Wild Mex Surf Camp?

Learning to Surf in Mexico WildMex Surf Camp

Do you remember the gush of emotions, the first time you rode an unbroken wave? The excitement, the fear, and the adrenaline rush that left you yearning for more?

Your first waves were probably a feeling like no other you had experienced... But this blog comes with a warning! Your intermediate Wild Mex surf camp will challenge you and test you in ways you probably never have been tested in the water! Meaning even more adrenaline, excitement, and a bundle of improvement coming your way!!

If you’ve become adept at paddling, popping up, and riding cleanly across the open face of a wave, you are fit for the intermediate Surf Lessons in La Lancha where the waves are consistent all year round for perfecting your surfing technique and ability.

Read on to see what we’ve got in store for you…

You’re fit for our intermediate Surf Camp or Surf Lessons in La Lancha with our expert surf coaches at Wild Mex? Discover here…

What will you learn at your intermediate surf camp?

As an intermediate surfer, you’ve ‘tasted’ the salty and surreal feeling of taking a ride through mother nature at her finest. So, no wonder you’re hooked and want to advance to the next level with the WildMex Surf Lessons in La Lancha , Sayulita, and Punta Mita!

At the Wild Mex surf camp, every day is filled with something new. You will be polishing your existing skills and satiating your thirst for improvement as the itinerary builds your abilities day by day.

You’ll also have the option of 10 other surf breaks in the area to surf at, because 365 days of the year 24/7, there is always a wave to surf at one of our local breaks!

Here are the topics you’ll be onboarding to fine-tune your intermediate skills:

Topic 1 - Surfing conditions

The first topic within your intermediate surf camp in Punta Mita and Sayulita with Wild Mex will help you get to grips with reading surf conditions.

Your journey from an intermediate surfer to an advanced one means that you’ll learn how to read when the waves are surf-ready! This also includes:

  •         Understanding optimum surf conditions 
  •         Learning how to read swell charts
  •         Knowledge about the different types of surf breaks
  •         Learning how the wind conditions affect waves

With this, you’ll know the best time to surf Punta Mita, Sayulita, and all other breaks in our area and beyond after onboarding this crucial intermediate step!

Topic 2 - When to use which board

Learning to surf in Mexico is probably one of the best gifts you can give yourself as an adventurer and a surfing enthusiast.

With a wide range of surfboards available for rent at Wild Mex (over 300 in fact), you can perfect your techniques with shortboards, longboards, fish boards, or funboards!

Your personal surf guide will also help you master your board choice based on the surf conditions and the surf break you’re going for.

What’s the best time to surf Punta Mita? Discover more here…

Topic 3 - Binary wave selection

If you’ve taken beginner surf lessons in La Lancha, Sayulita or anywhere else in the world, you may already know what binary wave selection is. If you’re a self-taught maestro, maybe not! - Binary wave selection is all about reading and selecting the waves as they come to you.

In surfing, wave selection is an art, and it usually draws the line between beginners and intermediate surfers.

Your intermediate Surf Camp in Punta Mita and Sayulita will help you learn binary wave selection, which in turn, will have several impacts on your surf session… The first and most obvious one is that you’ll learn how to ride superior and longer waves - simply by choosing the right ones. Learning binary wave selection will also require you less physical effort to paddle and catch the wave of your choice! Win-win, right? 

Topic 4 - Positioning on the wave 

If you’ve had exposure to a lot of surf in the past, positioning may sound like an easy topic. Buuut in actual fact, all intermediate-advanced surfers know that positioning can always be improved, after all, nothing happens far out on that flat shoulder!

When learning to surf in Mexico with us, we’ll teach you how to position yourself to stay close to the pocket, how to position yourself to get ready for a trick, and how to position yourself to try ripping steeper shoulders! 

We told you didn’t we, it’s all about position baby! 

Topic 5 - Generating speed

As you progress and get more comfortable with different parts of the wave, this is where you’ll begin to draw the line from being called an intermediate surfer to an adept one! A beginner or intermediate surfer goes with the flow of the ocean which is why the waves guide them across. Whilst more adept ones learn how to stay close to the pocket, the steepest and most powerful part of the wave to get the best out of every wave on offer! 

As a pre-master surfer, you will learn how to control the reins of your surfboard’s speed. You’ll be shown how to throw your arms forward, decompressing and compressing up and down the face of the wave, all whilst moving to specific parts of the wave with the proper technique by shifting your weight over the surfboard at specific moments on the wave to create your own acceleration. 

Learn this and just wait to watch surfing become more and more exciting!

Private Surf Camp Prices Sayulita & Punta Mita

The best time to surf Punta Mita, the bottom turn and top turn takes years of experience to maneuver, but with us, you’ll learn the basics!

Topic 6 - Bottom turn & Top turn

This is the skill that even expert surfers still need improvement on. Even during the best time to surf Punta Mita, the bottom turn and top turn takes years of experience to maneuver, but with us, you’ll learn the basics! 

You’ll learn how to use your head as your steering wheel. (Where you look is where you’ll go!) Both the top and bottom turn is initiated with your head, then your shoulders, arms, and hips to follow. 

If it sounds complicated now, don’t sweat it! You’ll get the fundamentals of this concept in the sixth topic of your intermediate surf camp in Punta Mita and Sayulita with Wild Mex, and with practice, you’ll be good to go! 

Topic 7 - Cutback

Be prepared to also onboard the basics of the cutback! 

Haven’t heard of it before? Well, the cutback is when a surfer changes direction with a turn using their rails to go back towards the breaking part of the wave.

This is a vital maneuver as it’ll position you back to the “power source” - the steepest and most enjoyable part of the wave! 

Topic 8 - Identifying your weak spots

Sometimes muscles will get fatigued and you'll feel it, especially in your weak areas! BUT, many times the surf will be more demanding on your mind…

Your instructor at your Surf Camp in Punta Mita and Sayulita will help you identify and work on your weak spots, physical and mental! 

Helping you transform your weaknesses from what is holding you back to the things that motivate you to perfect your surfing skills!

Your surf instructor at your Surf Camp in Punta Mita and Sayulita will help you identify and work on your weak spots, physical and mental!

Summing Up the itinerary of your Intermediate Surf Lessons in La Lancha

When you’re learning to surf in Mexico with us, there are only two things you need: the passion to perfect your surf skills and the dedication to master the waves we have in store for you! 

Only after you’ve mastered these maneuvers can you work on progressing from the intermediate to the advanced level. 

But until then, get ready to experience all those feel-good chemicals - endorphins/the stoke you’ll experience during and after your surf sessions with us! 

P.S The release of endorphins is also linked to a state of euphoria! Something our surf coaches know all a little too well. We are pumped to share these secrets with YOU! 😉 

Till then, best of luck preparing for the camp - we can’t wait to welcome you!

Peace & love,

Wild Mex

Wild Mex offers an epic 2022 Surf Camp for surfing for beginners in Punta Mita, Mexico
By WildMex

Learning to Surf in Mexico – What Beginner Surfers can Expect from the WildMex Surf Camp?

Learning to Surf

Learning to Surf

 Wild Mex offers an epic 2022 Surf Camp for surfing for beginners in Punta Mita, Learning to Surf in Mexico
Learning to Surf

Learning to Surf

Now that you have taken the first step to experience the adrenaline rush that you were oblivious to as a non-surfer, hang in there! It's going to get pretty intense…in a great way!

Having signed up for your first surf camp and beginner surf lessons in Sayulita and Punta Mita, let us warn you… the first time you set barefoot and waxed up on the beach for your surf camp in Sayulita, there is a mixed rush of emotions - nervousness, excitement, and happiness.

But too much nervousness might spoil the fun! So, time to get the nervousness levels down and the excitement levels up! We’ll help you achieve just that with this beginner itinerary of all the topics you’ll learn in your week-long (or longer) beginner surf camp in Sayulita and Punta Mita!

 Wild Mex offers an epic 2022 Surf Camp for surfing for beginners in Punta Mita, Mexico

Learning to Surf

At the Wildmex surf camp, every day is filled with something new. So, for the adventure enthusiasts out there, starting with surf lessons in Sayulita and Punta Mita will leave you satiated, building on your surfing skills day by day, taking the ride of your lifetime! You’ll also have the option of 10 other surf breaks in the area to surf at, because 365 days of the year 24/7, there is always a wave to surf at one of our local breaks. So, let’s get started… 


Topic 1: Etiquette

The first and most important topic is, of course, learning the etiquette of surfing. Whether you’re surfing with us here in Mexico or in another spot around the world after your surf camp, you’ll more than likely, always, be surfing amongst others in the water. This means that it’s your duty to learn the unwritten rules of the water, from right of way, to not dropping in or snaking, how to give respect, gain respect and how to keep yourself and others safe. Yes, there is a lot to learn… But don’t sweat it, when learning to surf in Mexico with us, we’ll give you the full low-down to keep yourself out of trouble, and enjoy your surfing!

Topic 2: Reading Waves 

Expect your surf coach to explain how waves are formed, about swells, tides, and rip currents. But don’t worry if you don’t get it straight away! - The more time you spend in the water, the more you’ll learn how to read a wave – how to tell if it’s a good one to catch, whether it’s a right or left-hander, where it will break, and how to position yourself to ride it well. 

Topic 3:  Pop-Ups and Functional Stances

You will practice basic surfing techniques such as pop-ups and functional stances on the beach. You’ll learn how to position yourself on the board, the correct stance, and how to pop up or take off to ride a wave stood up. Yeeew! 

Learning to surf in Mexico with Wild Mex looks something a little like this…

Topic 5: Mastering the Whitewash

The topic that marks the beginning of the real deal in the surf lessons in Punta Mita and Sayulita is paddling out to master the whitewash. This starts with building your confidence in the waves with the board and then practicing your pop-up and stance in the white water which are the broken waves and most forgiving part of the wave - perfect for surfing for beginners in Punta Mita and Sayulita!

Topic 6: Mastering Unbroken Waves

Once you’ve built your confidence with the whitewash, it is time to get into the unbroken waves to experience your first major thrill from surfing.

Paddling deep and throwing your weight forward is the key to catching an unbroken wave, otherwise, you just won’t catch it. It’s certain that you’ll have some testy times before you master paddling since all of this comes with experience.

But with your surf coach guiding you - the best way to learn surfing for beginners in Punta Mita and Sayulita, you’ll be riding the “real waves” in no time! 

Surf Camp Sayulita

Enjoy our exclusive Surf Camp packages with Wildmex

Learn how to master the whitewash and move on to green giants with our Surf Camp in Punta Mita!

Topic 7: Angling your Take-off

Once you’ve mastered the basics, it is time to move on and surf in style! This is when your Wild Mex surf instructor at your surf camp in Sayulita or Punta Mita will teach you how to angle yourself to take off and ride a wave not just straight but down the rail. 

Angling your take off will allow you to drop in on waves that are a bit steeper. By angling your board as you paddle for a wave, you’ll be able to set the line that your board will take, ensuring you can pop up and ride the wave in the direction that it’s going instead of riding it straight or nose diving into the crashing wave. 

From mastering the whitewashes to unbroken and exhilarating waves, in just a few days, you will have come a long way in your surfing journey!

Topic 8: Finding the ‘x’ Spot 

Once you’ve mastered how to angle your board into the waves, it is time to upskill. The 6th topic you’ll learn from your surf camp is how to find the ‘x-spot’. 

This is the sweet spot that surfers want to catch, the most critical and powerful part of the wave is the ‘x-spot’.  And when you’ve upskilled yourself learning all the other topics, it is time to choose the wave to which you face up! 

You’ll learn how to spot a good wave and make yourself to it, catching the thrill and rush that comes with it - all whilst being mindful of the surfing etiquette!  

The Wild Mex surf camp in Punta Mita & Sayulita is designed to match your pace.

What if I can’t keep up with the pace of the surf lessons in Punta Mita and Sayulita?

In the first days or weeks - depending on how long you want to spread out your surf lessons in Punta Mita and Sayulita, you’ll be building your confidence with the waves.

As for someone with no surfing experience, you will need some time to get used to the waves and the workout. The Wild Mex surf camp in Sayulita and Punta Mita is designed to match your pace. So, whether you get through the topics in a couple of days or stretch out the entire program to a couple of weeks, it depends on how well you grasp the concepts and get on with the learning experience - both of which are perfectly fine. 

Practice Makes Perfect 

The science of ‘practice makes perfect’ relates to surfing as much as any other sport! This means the more time you spend in the water practicing, the better you’ll onboard these topics and the more natural you’ll become at creating the movements! 

You are in for an experience of a lifetime now that you’ve registered for the surf camp in Sayulita and Punta Mita!

Summing it Up

You are in for an experience of a lifetime now that you’ve registered for the surf camp in Sayulita and Punta Mita!

This article covers all you can expect from your beginner's surf camp to keep your nervousness low and the essential excitement at a sky-high level! From paddling out to the white waters to riding green glassy waves in the ocean, you will experience what you were oblivious to as a non-surfer! Pure freedom, and connection with Pachamama at its finest. 

So, until then, keep the count down going!

We can’t wait to welcome you v.soon!

Peace & Love


Our Wild Mex Surf Camp In Sayulita and Punta Mita teaches true surf etiquette so you can think like a pro even before your first lesson.
By WildMex

Surfing Etiquette 101 – Becoming the Good Kind of Surfer

Our Wild Mex Surf Camp In Sayulita and Punta Mita teaches true surf etiquette so you can think like a pro even before your first lesson. Our WildMex Surf Camp In Sayulita and Punta Mita teaches true surf etiquette so you can think like a pro even before your first lesson.

Registered for the WildMex Surf Camp in Punta Mita or Sayulita? Yeeew! Here’s an early welcome from the Wild Mex team to an adventure you have probably never experienced before! For now, the feelings you experience might be mixed. You might be excited and eager, and maybe even at the same time, a bit nervous... Let’s face it, starting a new thing is always scary. A small voice in your head might say, “What if you can’t pull this off?” But say adios to this little voice because we are here to teach you how to be the best beginner for your next surf adventure here in Mexico. This crash course will help you learn all there is to surfing terminologies and etiquettes so you don’t feel clueless and nervous within your first week of camp and surf lessons In Punta Mita!

Surf Lessons In Punta Mita!

Learn how to read tides, waves and learn the best time to surf Punta Mita & Sayulita waves in our Wild Mex surf camp. You’ll learn how to read tides, waves and learn the best time to surf Punta Mita & Sayulita waves in our Wild Mex surf camp.

The Basics of Surfing: All the Theory with a Twist!

Experienced surfers will accumulate a lot of time in the water, this means that they have learned to gauge which waves will break and which waves are the best to catch. They also know when is the best time to surf Punta Mita waves because they know the tides, swells and how to avoid the competitive crowds.

However, surfing for beginners in Punta Mita or Sayulita can seem overwhelming when you can’t keep up with all the surfer terms. So, here are some of the basics and theories that you need to know before your first class at your Surf Camp in Punta Mita and Sayulita with WildMex!

1) Learning the Wave Directions

To have good surf, the first thing you'll need to learn is to understand how swells work and which waves are the best ones to get familiar with. Once you start your surf lessons in Punta Mita or Sayulita, you will begin to hear your coach and other surfers use the terms listed below, take a read and get familiar with them, knowing the lingo may be the difference between you catching 0 waves or 10!

The Direction of the Wind

Offshore wind - what surfers' dreams are made of. Offshore wind is the kind that blows from the land to the ocean, this is the best kind for surfing. It produces waves that are clean and groomed and indicate the best time to surf Punta Mita, Sayulita, or any other waves for that matter. Also, a swell coming in from the north will break differently than a swell arriving from the south. It’s important to point out that it is also possible to surf when the wind is Onshore, the kind that blows from ocean to land, however, this is the worst wind for surfing. The wind blows in from the ocean and ensures that all the waves crumble and have no shape, making the waves prettttty hard to surf!


Gauging the tide is important to catch the best waves. Some beaches work best on low tide and others on high tide. Different tides can either make waves "mushy"; breaking slowly with a lip that just sort of crumbles over when the wave breaks, or "hollow"; fast-breaking, barreling waves with lips that pitch out forcefully into the wave's trough. You’ll learn the local tides from your coach once you arrive here!

The Best Kinds

The types of waves that you experience while surfing in Punta Mita and Sayulita are beach breaks, pointbreaks, and reef breaks. These waves all have their own characteristics:

Waves Pros Cons
Beach Breaks Beach Breaks tend to be common, with consistent waves and nice sand bottoms. Beach Breaks can be unforgiving, with difficult paddle-outs
Pointbreaks Pointbreaks can offer perfectly shaped waves and the longest rides of any kind of wave. Pointbreaks can get a little too crowded sometimes and are generally not that consistent
Reef Breaks Reef Breaks Reef Breaks are where advanced surfers go in search of the best barrels. Reef Breaks usually have uneven and/or sharp bottoms composed of rock or coral. Reef Breaks usually have uneven and/or sharp bottoms composed of rock or coral.

But drawbacks aside, all these types of waves can offer excellent surf, and as any dedicated surfer will tell you, the rewards of surfing are worth more than material wealth.

Lefts and Rights

Understanding where the wave will break is impossible if you haven’t had any or little experience with surfing.

Waves “peel” to either the left or the right. As a beginner learning to Surf in Punta Mita and Sayulita there is a simple way to tell the difference between the two “peels”.

When you're lying down on your surfboard, paddling into a wave, you're going to drop into the wave and angle either towards your right with the wave crashing to your left (then it’s a right-hander) or you're left with the wave crashing to your right (which tells us it’s a left-hander).

If you’re watching from the shore, a surfer surfing in Punta Mita going left means they’re riding a right peeling wave. Don’t worry if you don’t get it yet, you will find it obvious the minute you see it for yourself!

Rip Tides

Another terminology that you might hear a lot when you’re learning to Surf in Punta Mita and Sayulita is rip currents or rip tides. While this term might sound dangerous, and it is, but only for those unfamiliar with how they work, yet for those who follow a few basic rules, rips are nothing to fear!

A rip is a path of water being pushed onto the shore by the waves takes to run back into the ocean, they can often appear as deeper and darker colored water in a relatively calm or rippled channel between breaking waves. However, these channels actually indicate fast currents moving back out to sea. One sign to spot one may be noticing anything floating out to sea via that route.

Rip currents can be dangerous because people can become exhausted trying to swim against the current back to shore, however, many surfers use this channel to enter the ocean from the shore or get back out the back after catching a wave. The way to escape the channel once you get out the back is by swimming parallel to the shore to escape the rip current. Never swim against the current back to shore.

Learn how to read waves, do Eskimo rolls and how to avoid wipeouts in our surf camp in Sayulita and Punta Mita. You’ll learn how to read waves, do Eskimo rolls and how to avoid wipeouts in our surf camp in Sayulita and Punta Mita.

2) Sets

Set waves are those waves that come in larger than the overall significant wave height. In this case, it is quite probable that you’ll have a wipeout one time or another.

To try and avoid a wipeout, once you see a set coming (a good indication of this is seeing all other surfers paddling out fast), you should follow them and paddle out too in the opposite direction of wherever the wave is peeling from.

If you run out of time and you see the wave is about to crash on you, always opt for a turtle roll, also known as the Eskimo roll, a surfing technique that allows you to get past the breaking waves without having to discard your surfboard or duck dive in challenging conditions. You’ll learn how to do this at your surf camp in Sayulita and Punta Mita.

3) Wipe Outs

Let’s talk realistically, wipeouts are what you’re fearing the most. But stop! Wipeouts are common, even for expert surfers, and if you learn how to tackle them you will be safe!

If you do get hit by a wave and held underwater, never panic and scratch hard for the surface! It doesn't matter if you only managed to get just half a lungful of air, you'll be alright if you just simply relax. In the words of a surfer:

“Relaxing may not seem easy when you’ve encountered your first wipeout. Every second underwater might feel like ten, but even on a powerful wave, you'll be underwater for no more than five to ten seconds. So, when the wave is starting to recede, you can come back up and BREATHE…”

Pro Tip: Your Surfboard is your Best Friend!

Don't forget that your surfboard isn't just for riding waves, it is also an excellent lifesaving device and your primary means of getting out of trouble should a bad situation arise. So, don’t ditch it unless it is extremely necessary.

4) Crowding and Surfing Etiquette

Another concept you would want to learn before you get started with the waves is surfer etiquette.

If you take off on a wave in front of someone, you're basically stealing the wave, as the surfer who was already up and riding has to give up the wave or risk having a collision with you.

And not just collisions, one wave ridden by two persons is trouble! If you’re at the back and the surfer in front of you rides away while you’re at the end-side of the wave, you’ll experience a pretty blatant drop-in.

And the easiest way to avoid drop-ins is simple - stay away from crowds! Crowds tend to get competitive, and there are always those in the water who don't care so much about having fun as they do about showing off and catching all the waves they can.

Always give way to the surfer closest to the highest point of the wave (the peak). They have the right of way on the wave.

Surfing for Beginners in Punta Mita doesn’t have to be so tricky! Here’s the 101 for surfing in the area… Surfing for Beginners in Punta Mita doesn’t have to be so tricky! Here’s the 101 for surfing in the area…

Summing it Up

To sum up our crash course, don’t forget to have fun!

The best thing you can do for both yourself and others in the water is simple - just respect others and enjoy yourself! It's hard not to have a good time in the surf, but everyone has a bad day every once in a while.

But hey, don’t worry, be happy! Remember to always stay in a relaxed frame of mind, and encourage others to do the same. Share waves, smile, and give a kind word to both friends and strangers alike. Hoot for others when you see them get a good wave, and soon you'll hear other surfers hooting for you on your good ones too!

We can’t wait to welcome you to the waves!

Peace & love,

Wild Mex

By WildMex

What To Pack For Your Next Surf Trip? – Your Surf Camp In Punta Mita & Sayulita Checklist

What To Pack For Your Next Surf Trip? - Your Surf Camp In Punta Mita & Sayulita What To Pack For Your Next Surf Trip? – Your Surf Camp In Punta Mita & Sayulita

Just signed up for the Wildmex Surf Camp? Oh boy, oh boy! What an adventure this is going to be… 

Just imagine gliding across glassy ocean waves, using your power to ride a fast-moving wall of water. You feel the speed, the wind in the face, and are deeply connected to the awesome energy of mother earth. 

Now, imagine how it will feel when you master the mellow, white waters and move on to skimming through glassy green waves and steeper sets surfing in Punta Mita’s famous La Lancha! 

We’re sure you cannot contain your excitement to get to camp to learn surfing in Punta Mita, Sayulita, and La Lancha! However, with all this excitement building up, packing can seem like a tertiary task… Especially if you’re a newbie to surfing, it can be quite tricky to know exactly what to pack

So, that’s why our team at Wild Mex has done the hard work so you don’t have to! Here is a list of your backpack must-haves when you are learning to surf in Punta Mita or Sayulita at our Wildmex surf camp. Carry everything essential and nothing extra you can thank us later! 

Packing the Essentials

3 people Surfing in Sayulita and Punta Mita with Wild Mex’s surf camp Surfing in Sayulita and Punta Mita with Wild Mex’s surf camp

We know you want to be equipped with the essentials for the beach, the varying terrain, and your stay at camp. Yet at the same time, the airline fee with the weight limit means you can’t carry a load of stuff!

However, if you do happen to forget something, or simply need a top-up, know that Sayulita town does offer plenty of Mini Marts and markets to purchase essentials and toiletries that you might need, so don’t fret! 

There are, however, a few things that you ought to keep in your backpack, so you don’t have to head to the market every time you need something, or in case you do, you have the cash in hand to buy. Check it out below…

Access to Cash

Make sure that you have access to cash whilst at your surf camp in Sayulita for any emergencies. This means carrying an ATM card and money in USD or Mexican Pesos in case your ATM card fails or you cannot access an ATM in the moment needed.

Travel Essentials

Make sure you’re carrying your airline tickets in a bag where you can access them whenever the need be. You should also have a valid passport with at least 3 months to expiration in case you would want to extend your stay. (Something which many of our surf campers decide to do!) We also recommend booking a flexible ticket, you know, just in case! 

Once you’re enjoying pumping surf days, seeing rapid improvement, and taking part in the gnarliest surfing in Sayulita and Punta Mita, the enthralling ocean waves will keep you from going back to routine… Sorry, not sorry! 

Accessories and Clothing

Pack the most comfortable and rugged pair of sandals, Crocs, Gators, Tevas, Reef Walkers, Birkenstocks or similar water shoes that can get wet without being unpleasant. When you are learning to surf in Mexico, it’s not uncommon to walk through luscious jungle trails to get to the best waves. You may also experience getting on and off boats to surf epic waves in the middle of the Pacific, dreamy right? Sure is when you pack the correct footwear! 

For the November to March season, surfing in Sayulita can be a little chilly. You won’t feel cold in the water, but once you get out of the water and the winds blow on your wet body, you are likely to feel cold. So, make sure you pack a sweatshirt or fleece jacket, shorts, at least two bathing suits, and any other beachwear you may need. 

When learning to surf in Sayulita or our nearby beaches, the sun in the afternoon can be scorching, So, you should be carrying a sun hat, sunglasses, sarong, or pareo (for females), and any other beachwear you may need. A small flashlight along with your necessary medications are also essentials when learning to surf in Mexico. We also recommend bringing a watch or an alarm to ensure wake up for sunrise surf sessions and a camera to capture all the insane moments you’re about to embark on. 

If you are doing our Yoga/Surf camp, we recommend bringing shorts over pants and any essential yoga-wear or comfortable gym wear you’d like to use to partake in these sessions. 


When purchasing sunscreens, make sure that you buy the waterproof kind. This is usually +5% zinc or titanium dioxide with an SPF of over 30. For the body we recommend HIC 2X sun block, Alligator, Hawaiian Blend Sport with Zinc, or La Roche-Posay Helioblock S Athelios SPF40. 

You should also go for an additional face block which is necessary for swimming and surfing. We recommend Vertra, Shiseido Sun Protection Skin Foundation SPF 35, HIC 2X sunblock,  Zinka Nosecoat, Headhunter Surf Screen, and UV Natural Sport. Old sunscreens can separate and burn your skin so make sure you buy a new one before you head out to your Surf Camp in Sayulita or Punta Mita! 

We do not recommend Coppertone, Bullfrog, or most Banana Boat products due to their poor quality. Also, whilst buying sunscreens, remember that SPF 70 can be the same as SPF 30 and any greater SPF is really just a marketing scam. For the nights, you should also keep an insect repellent. Up to 20 or 30 % DEET should be fine, after all, if your surf camp is in Punta Mita, you’ll be staying right next to the tropical Mexican jungle!

Packing the Surf Gear

Surfing for beginners in Sayulita can be tough because of the rough terrain of the surf area in some areas, make sure you bring the correct gear such as… Surfing for beginners in Sayulita can be tough because of the rough terrain of the surf area in some areas, make sure you bring the correct gear such as…

While essentials like surfboards will be available for you at the camp, do make sure you pack your surfing gear that will prevent any rashes from surfing.

Surf shorts provide more protection from the sun and the surfboard compared to regular shorts. Also, carrying a rash guard, which is an athletic shirt made of spandex and nylon or polyester is great. 

Rash guards are most often worn in surfing when the weather is too warm for a wetsuit. It also prevents wax-based chafing from sliding on and off of the surfboard. The board’s wax can accumulate sand from the beach which is the reason for the rashes.  

Packing the Optional Surfing Gear

Surfing for beginners in Sayulita can be tough because of the rough terrain of the surf area in some areas. You’ll find sand as well as rocks, so protecting your feet from getting scraped is essential, especially in the beginning when you are adjusting to the new feeling. So, surf booties are the way to go if you want to avoid cuts and grazes. However, make sure they fit snugly in the store as they stretch in the water.

You would also want to keep 100 % lycra or spandex running or swimming pants for keeping your legs from getting sunburnt. If you put sunscreen on the back of your legs, it might make the board slippery, therefore the swimming pants will greatly help in securing yourself on the board as well as preventing sunburns and rashes. 

While you might not look quite as “cool”, you’ll feel much cooler after day three when you are the only one without a sunburn ;).

Summing it Up

 Here’s your backpack checklist for surfing in La Lancha, Sayulita, or Punta de Mita. Here’s your backpack checklist for surfing in La Lancha, Sayulita, or Punta de Mita.

There is a lot to do when you are in Mexico, surfing in La Lancha, Sayulita, or Punta de Mita. This includes getting into the water, chilling at the beach, and going for challenging waves that will ensure that release of adrenaline and endorphins, making you feel, oh so alive!! 

Even though there are a lot of amenities and facilities available at the Surf Camp in Sayulita, you will need to bring in some essentials, so you are equipped to dive in as soon as you get here! 

Yep, you guessed it, we’ve gone one step further and created a printable packing list for your surf trip! 

Yeeeew! Good luck and see you soon! 

Peace & Love 

Wild Mex

By WildMex

Waking Up in Sayulita, Mexico as a Digital Nomad – Lifestyle & Surfing In Sayulita 2022

Lifestyle & Surfing In Sayulita as a digital nomad
Lifestyle & Surfing In Sayulita as a digital nomad

What’s better than to wake up in paradise on a day that’s actually a workday? 

Imagine getting welcomed each morning by the sounds of Chacalaca birds singing as you step outside your door to enjoy the morning ocean breeze on your face. Walking down Sayulita’s beautiful beach that stretches on for miles, to grab a steamy cup of morning coffee before work, whilst admiring the waves that crash right on your doorstep? Or simply just sitting on a shaded beach chair before opening up your emails with the sand beneath your feet… Sounds dreamy, right?

For digital nomad in Sayulita, this dream can turn into a reality. Sayulita, Nayarit, Mexico has been the favorite destination of digital nomads in 2020 and 2021, and for all the good reasons! Sayulita provides great working conditions, reliable WiFi, epic views, multiple surf breaks, and magnetizing line-ups that you might, at times, struggle to pull yourself away from. Stand up paddleboarding in Sayulita is also an experience that digital nomads and locals alike love to get stuck into.  

Keep reading for the full nomad lifestyle update…

Why should a Digital Nomad Opt for Sayulita?

Ideal spot for digital nomads who have flexible schedules.

Lifestyle & Surfing In Sayulita as a digital nomad

Being born in a world where digital communication technology has made us location independent, as a digital nomad, you can now experience personal freedom from anywhere!

So, why not from anywhere in the world? Sayulita is a place that offers you the personal freedom to live your dream life. And, once you are here, we know that without a doubt, the vivid life and energy of the town and beach will not only enchant you but also give you that extra zeal towards your work. 

Talk about working in an environment that gives you the perfect combination of the tranquillity of nature and the coffee shop buzz. You’ll have the option to work on the beach, or in and around vibey health restaurants and cafes. Working during the morning time or early hours is a great shout because that’s when there is a peaceful aura in the town before busyness and excitement begin towards the late afternoon and sunset hours. 

If you are a nomad that lives for adventure, there is no better place to relocate than to Sayulita, from surf lessons to hiking, biking, and Stand Up Paddle Boarding in Sayulita, you’ll be spoilt for choice on the numerous activities you can get stuck into when nomadding in Sayu! 

The Sayulita Surfing Scene

Surfer learning to pop up on a surfboard

Surf lessons in Sayulita are a popular activity amongst digital nomads living here.

The best time to surf in Sayulita? 

Unlike other surf breaks, when surfing in Sayulita, you won’t always have to wake up at the crack of dawn to surf the best waves. Sayulita’s best waves are during incoming low tide which changes from day to day. Meaning after breakfast can be a great time to be productive or just have a lazy, chilled-out morning soaking up some sun!

Though there are days with good tides in the morning that you wouldn’t want to miss! But if you are stuffed with work and can’t adjust your schedule around the Sayulita tide, don’t sweat it! There are plenty of local breaks to choose from which work on different tides at different times, meaning whatever your schedule is, there will always be a wave to learn how to hang ten on. 

Check out our Sayulita and surrounding area surf map with more info here! 


Surfing in La Lancha

Two girls paddling on surfboardsSurfing in La Lancha is one of the best pastimes for digital nomads living in Sayulita.

There’s no doubt that Surfing in La Lancha is one of the best pastimes for digital nomads, locals, and tourists alike. La Lancha is another beach near Sayulita (25 minutes in our shuttle) where there are enough surf breaks to find a wave no matter what your surfing style or work schedule is!

You can also learn Stand Up Paddle Boarding in Punta Mita’s La Lancha with lessons for beginners with our expert guides or if you have had experience in SUP in Sayulita or any other place, why not put yourself in for a challenge by renting a high-performance SUP in Punta Mita’s La Lancha where the waves can thrash and barrel during peak times (November to March) and catch a wave like you never have before? 

WildMex also runs a shuttle service from Sayulita to La Lancha and back, so you won’t have to worry about finding commute options.   Enquire her


Surfing in Punta Mita

Surfing in Punta Mita is a si or si when nomadding in Sayulita. At times if you feel like experiencing the local Mexican culture and just enjoying a change of space for a few days while living in Sayulita, Punta Mita is a great place, especially for surfing. If you’ve found a time where you and your other fellow nomads are on a work time-out, why not ask us to organize an epic surf trip for you? Our highly-knowledgeable surf coaches know the best breaks and locations to take you to avoid the line-ups and find the best swells, no matter the day or time. All surf trips include transport, board hire, surf coaches, and boat to spot (if required).  Enquire here.

Other recommended surf spots reachable from Punta Mita 

Anclote, La Bahia & Stinky’s. View surf map here. 

Why Digital Nomads Choose Sayulita

Why Digital Nomads Choose Sayulita? From hiking, biking, exploring, and surfing in Sayulita. Read more here… Why Digital Nomads Choose Sayulita? From hiking, biking, exploring, and surfing in Sayulita. Read more here…

Surfing in Sayulita. Read more here… 

  • Great outdoor, adventure, and nature experiences
  • The cost of living is low (around $950 per month per person)
  • Fair cost and quality internet connection
  • Good working conditions and WiFi accessibility 
  • Like-minded crowd of travelers 
  • Epic surfing in Punta Mita, Sayulita & surrounding – Numerous surf breaks with options to surf at any hour for any surfer
  • Safe location as a female or solo traveler 
  • Wide range of supermarket and fresh produce options 
  • Unlimited cafes and places to dine both international and local cuisine 
  • Car and golf buggy rentals available 
  • Bus, Taxi and Shuttle options 
  • Multiple ATM’s, Gas stations & Convenience stores 
  • Active nightlife 

The Digital Nomad in Sayulita

Waking Up in Sayulita, Mexico as a Digital Nomad - Lifestyle & Surfing In Sayulita 2022 Waking Up in Sayulita, Mexico as a Digital Nomad – Lifestyle & Surfing In Sayulita 2022

The life in Sayulita garners attention from digital nomads because of its laid-back lifestyle, tropical surroundings, balmy weather, and easy-going vibe. Because of this, Sayulita attracts digital nomads from bloggers, YouTubers, photographers, influencers, graphic designers, web developers, SEO specialists, digital entrepreneurs, affiliate marketers, and more. 


Where to Stay in Sayulita 

Whether you’re a wave-rider or a digital nomad, or both, we recommend staying on the north side of town. This is the wilder part of town, with more jungle, less traffic, and better views to soak up each day! (You’ll still only be a short 10-minute walk from the hype of the center.) 

As for the accommodation, you can opt for the numerous hostel options on HostelWorld or rent your own studio apartment from AirBnB or, whichever suits your budget best!


Best Time to Stay in Sayulita

Wintertime from November to May is the best time for Sayulita as it doesn’t get too humid. The summertime from June to October has humid weather, but the crowd is quieter. However, if you are talking about surfing in Punta Mita & Sayulita, the seasons are not defined and there are a lot of diverse surf breaks to catch in between working hours, any time of the year.

If you are in Sayulita from December through March you are in for a treat! When surfing or Stand Up Paddle Boarding in Sayulita during these months, you are likely to encounter whales – a spectacular encounter! Enquire about SUP & surf board rental in Sayulita here. 


Activities to Enjoy

If you’re living in Sayulita, there are a lot of activities to enjoy that will satisfy the adventure-thirst within you.

Sayulita Surf Camps

If you’re just working part-time or your schedule isn’t too crazy, why not divide your time between your emails and epic surf breaks by dedicating yourself to one of our Sayulita Surf Camps? Our surf camps in Sayulita will help you improve your wave-catching skills, tricks, and pop-ups. Read more about our surf camps here.


Surfing in La Lancha

Beginner and intermediate surfers can catch the long mellow beach break at La Lancha whilst advanced surfers can opt for the quick left that works well for shortboards, both within crystal clear waters that’ll offer a surf experience of a lifetime! It is also possible to see turtles here, so we welcome you to bring your snorkeling gear!

Other spots such as Burros, La Bahia, and The Light House may also be options depending on the swell. Check our surf map here.


Tasting Traditional Mexico

The culture, the cuisine, and the locals are dominant features of Sayulita. Therefore, going in and around the town and dining in authentic local places will give you the experience of authentic Mexico, no doubt about it. We recommend venturing to the outskirts and far corners of the town instead of just the center, including street food and food trucks to get those more traditional flavors, (the ones which the locals eat!)  

Sayulita surf camp packages with accommodation close to the beach are available at WildMex Sayulita surf camp packages with accommodation close to the beach are available at Wild Mex.

Got a question or two about this blog? Reach out to us here!

We hope you found this helpful, until next time! Yeewww!

Peace & Love
Wild Mex