The benefits of women surfing

Surfing is a sport that isn’t defined by genders; so it would be a very big mistake to divide it as female or male.
Over time, women have acquired more participation in this sport, when historically, this activity had been exclusively directed at the male gender, and that hasn’t been unseen socially.
Surfing has many general benefits, but the great impact it has had physically and emotionally on women makes this sport a favourite among them. We invite you to be part of this practice creating a safe, respectful and pleasant social environment for everyone. Now, we’ll present 5 benefits that surfing has to offer you as a woman:

Being in shape is a wonderful benefit of surfing that can be visually perceived. While surfing, your muscles contract constantly while paddling out or to catch a wave working the strenght of your upper body and while riding the waves to hold your balance on the board you will be toning your legs, tighs, and buttocks ! It is a super wholesome sport!

Being on top of the board is not easy, so while you do this activity you will acquire these skills that will keep you in balance and help you ride the waves. Inspect the sets of the waves by coordinating the timing, type, & force of the waves to increase your chances of riding a wave out.

Nature is part of the experience when you practice this sport, because apart from being in direct contact with the ocean, sometimes the beaches offer you beautiful
landscapes that captivate your eyes, especially on virgin beaches. Also, a connection with the environment is generated, that allows you to create awareness
of natural resources, and learn to protect and the place you’ve just visited by leaving it clean.

Surfing is considered the best option you can take to get away from a bad day because the experience starts from the moment you have contact with the air, sand, and water. The satisfaction of taking a wave helps your brain by feeling rewarded, having a balanced body and mind. Exercise teaches your body to cope with higher levels of cortisol, which helps reduce anxiety and stress.


This sport is characterized as being an activity that’s carried out in a group. It doesn’tmatter if they know each other or not, you can get to know the people who are
surfing in the same place, and as a result, you’ll end up making more friends than you imagined, connecting with like minded individuals and creating long lasting friendships.

The American writer, Jon Kabat-zinn, once mentioned that: “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf” a sentence that has had an impact on many people like Dayana. She confirms that it is a phrase that has been tattooed as a philosophy of life.

Dayana Venegas, 22 years old Mexican surfer, Puerto Vallarta’s resident, comes to tell us about her experience in the world of surfing.
No doubt, she has confirmed the aforementioned benefits to us, for her, surfing means living in the present and enjoying every second of life, it tells us that there’s no way to think about anything else when you are in the sea:
“Since I’ve come to the world of surfing, I’ve had great physical and mental change, increasing my balance and strength, providing feelings of peace and freedom”
Dayana, like every woman in the sport’s world, has run into the barriers of social stigma and even so, she continues to do what she is most passionate about:
“I’ve come across some people who say that surfing is only for men and when I tell them that I surf, they are shocked; but the truth is that I have surfed with my friends (men) and I have been lucky that we treat each other in the same way, without gender privileges. Besides, they tend to motivate me to continue practising this sport that I really like one”.

Dayana is the living example of many women who have had the experience of the whole context that revolves around the board. You, like her, can explore this sport and get all the benefits that surfing has to offer.

By WildMex Surfing