The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Second-Hand Surfboard: Pros, Cons, and Tips

At WildMex Surf and Adventure, we understand that choosing the right surfboard is an exciting yet sometimes challenging decision. Buying a second-hand surfboard can be a great option, if you know what to look for. In this guide, we explain the benefits of buying a second-hand surfboard and give you practical tips to make sure your purchase is a success.  

Why Buy a Second-Hand Surfboard?  

Save Money 

  • Lower Price: Second-hand surf boards are usually much cheaper than new ones, letting you get into surfing or adding a board to your Quiver without spending a lot of money.  
  • Opportunity to experiment: If you want to try something new, like a shorter board or a different shape, you can always try with a used board. That way, if you do not like it, or you got the size wrong, you can always flip it for less of a loss, since used surfboards devaluate slower than new ones. 


  • Reuse Resources: By buying a second-hand board, you help reduce the environmental impact of producing new boards.  
  • Eco-Friendly: You promote a culture of recycling and reusing within the surfing community.  

Key Tips for Buying process   

To ensure you make the right choice, follow these tips:  

Inspect the Board Thoroughly:  

  • Cracks and Dents: Examine the surface for cracks, dings, or previous repairs. Minor surface damage can be okay but avoid boards with structural damage.  
  • Delamination: Make sure the board’s outer layer isn’t separating from the inner foam, as this affects performance and will keep on getting worse unless fixed through time. 

Check the Weight 

  • Water Absorption: A board that has absorbed water will be heavier and less buoyant. Weight the board, does it feel heavier than it should? Does the board feel “weird” when you manipulate it in the air, kind of like it tends to gain more momentum or “swing weight” from one side than the other? It might be good to have a friend that has more experience surfing with you to help you through this process, since “feeling” when a board has taken weight, or is heavy on certain sections might take lots of previous experience manipulating surfboards and getting a feeling for it 


Inspect the Fins and Fin Boxes:  

  • Fin Condition: Ensure the fins are in good condition and securely attached. Note, lots of boards get sold without the fins since fins tend to change with the surfer preferences and in some budget board scenario, can cost just as much as the surfboard. 
  • Fin Boxes: Check that the fin boxes are undamaged (no cracks) and hold the fins securely. Check the screws on them, make sure the fins can be taken off by loosening the screws and once they are put on and the screws are tightened, they won't wobble around 

Test the Board:  

  • Performance in Water: If possible, test the board in the water to make sure it feels right and meets your basic expectations like paddling characteristics, floatation and overall performance. 

Buying a second-hand surfboard can be a great way to get started with surfing or to add a new board to your collection without spending too much. With proper inspection and a bit of research, you can find a board that suits your needs and surfing style.  

Stay connected and share the passion for surfing with WildMex!  

For more tips and personalized assistance, contact us on or visit our website. See you in the water! 

By WildMex Newsletter Surfing TIPS