Surf Wax Guide for Learning To Surf In Mexico’s Punta Mita & Sayulita, Which surf wax are the locals using & why? - Cera para tablas de surf
By WildMex

What Type Of Surf Wax Should I Use?

Surf Wax Guide for Learning To Surf In Mexico’s Punta Mita & Sayulita

Girl waxing a surfboard at a surf camp

When learning to surf in Mexico’s Punta Mita and Sayulita one of the basics is learning what type of wax to use here and how to use it.

Some of the most frequently asked questions we get asked at our surf camp in Punta Mita are amongst the likes of – “When should I wax my surfboard?”, “Where should I wax my surfboard?” and “Which type of wax should I use?” All of these questions plus more will be answered in this full guide to surf wax that we created for you!

Keep reading to learn more…

How do you wax a surfboard for the first time?

 When learning to surf in Mexico’s Punta Mita and Sayulita one of the basics is learning what type of wax to use here and how to use it. 

Why Do You Use Surf Wax? 

Even the pro surfers wouldn’t dare step foot on the slippy deck of an unwaxed board, so don’t be the kook who forgets to wax up before paddling out – because that’s just a disaster waiting to happen!

In short, you use surf wax for grip. Whether you’re a seasoned ripper or an eager rookie, it’s safe to say that you’ve jumped up on your board and slipped right off at some point, right? Well, the wax helps prevent that – creating grip between you and your board, to allow you to paddle and ride it without sliding straight off. 

No one is resistant to the slippery gamble of not applying surf wax before paddling out, so make sure you bring a few boxes with you if you’re traveling solo surfing in Sayulita and Punta Mita. If you’ve come to learn to surf in Mexico at our surf camp in Punta Mita, don’t sweat it – your surf wax will be provided.

How Much is Surf Wax? 

Thankfully, wax is the most economical of all your surfing essentials. Costing around $3-4USD per bar, so, as the key ingredient to your surfing journey – be sure to stock up on brands such as – Sticky Bumps, Mrs. Palmers, Wave Equation, Sex Wax, Butta, or any of your preferred kinds. (Keep reading for further details on our recommendations). 

Keep in mind that your choice of wax will come down to where you’re off to! So, based on your trip’s climate and water temperature, you’ll need to plan accordingly. 


Surf wax used on a surfboard

If you’ve come to learn to surf in Mexico at our surf camp in Punta Mita, don’t sweat it – your surf wax will be provided.

Which Surf Wax Should You Use for Surfing in Punta Mita & Sayulita?

Learning which wax to buy for which conditions is key. Check out our temperature guide here: 

Temperature Guide for Surf Wax

  • From 22°C (72°F) upwards, opt for tropical-water wax.
  • From 18°C (65°F) to 22°C (72°F), opt for warm-water wax.
  • From 14°C (58°F) to 18°C (65°F), opt for cool-water wax.
  • For temperatures below 14°C (58°F), opt for cold-water wax.

During the colder water months surfing in Punta Mita and Sayulita (Jan-April), you’ll require the warm-water wax, you might also want a wetsuit top for sunset and early morning sessions. 

During the warmer water months (May-Dec) you’ll be better suited to tropical-water wax. The water here tends to cool down and warm up later than the weather (more or less one month later!) So, we start feeling “cooler” weather in Dec, but the water gets cooler in Jan. The weather will warm up again in April, however, the water won’t be warmer again until May. 

Surfers running on a beach with surfboards at sunset

 Learning to surf in Mexico during the colder water months (Jan-April)? Then you’ll require the warm-water wax!


Our Top Surf Wax Recommendations 


Mrs. Palmers Surf Wax: Base Coat Wax

Don’t overlook the base coat! Not only will a base coat add extra grip to your board but it will also help your top coat go further. You’ll need to put your elbow into the applying (just like any other base coat) but once it’s done you can expect a super, long-lasting hold. 

Fu Wax: Tropical Water Wax

Fu Wax is a Brazilian wax brand that grants exceptional performance and feels good under your feet. 

Not only does Fu Wax glue your feet to the board like no other wax around, but it also smells insane too. This wax is soft and offers an easy application, but not so soft that it’s only great for the first few pop-ups.

Surfing in Punta Mita’s tropical waters between May-Dec? Then Fu Wax is our top recommendation!

Sticky Bumps: Warm Water Wax

This wax does its job in the water. 

With decades of use, we LOVE Sticky Bumps at Wild Mex, not just because the unique bumps of wax left after using this stick hold their shape for the long run but because they also offer exceptional grip and performance, no matter your ability or surfing style. 

This wax is both sticky and durable and will hold up well while surfing in Sayulita and Punta Mita between the months of Jan-April. 

Sticky Bumps: Pink Wax Comb

Sticky Bumps: Pink Surf Wax Comb

Learning to surf in Mexico? Don’t underestimate the mighty power of a wax comb!

Why do we use pink at Wild Mex? Because when it’s pink, it’s harder to lose!
Not only will your wax comb will save you in moments you’re outta wax by roughing up the current wax on your board, but it will also be necessary for the moment you need to renew the wax on your board once it’s been overapplied and has become slippery. 

Use the straight edge for scraping the done-with wax off and the jagged edge for creating texture and grip. Yeeew! 

Your FAQs Answered:

Surf Wax Guide for Learning To Surf In Mexico’s Punta Mita & Sayulita,  Which surf wax are the locals using & why?

Sharpen your surf skills with our surf camp in Punta Mita for intermediate surfers.

“When Should I Wax My Surfboard?”

Many rookies who surf in Sayulita think their boards need a good ole’ waxing before every surf session, in fact, this is a common misconception. Really, your board only requires a light waxing before hitting the waves, if you feel you’re losing traction, this is when a deeper waxing will be required. 

If you’ve invested in a base coat and you’ve applied it correctly, you’ll find that you’ll be required to wax it less. On the contrary, if you’re surfing every day, you’ll find that you’ll need to wax it more. 

“Where Should I Wax My Surfboard?”

Put simply – the area where you plan to place your feet. 

BUT don’t underestimate how much of the board’s surface area your feet make contact with (especially if you’re using a longboard.)

We always suggest making a thin layer of wax on the whole board, with a more generous application where your feet will be planted, stepping, or dancing!

“Should I Wax My Foamie?”

Most foam surfboards are built with materials to provide excellent traction, however, if you find you keep slipping – a little wax never hurt anybody! 


Surf Wax Guide for Learning To Surf In Mexico’s Punta Mita & Sayulita,  Which surf wax are the locals using & why?

If you’re looking for surfboard rental in Punta Mita, we do offer wax but recommend bringing extra anyway – just in case.

Summing it up 

So, if you’ve bought the right wax, you’re halfway there. Now, simply apply where needed to set yourself up for toes on the nose!
If you’re looking for surfboard rental in Punta Mita, on the list for one of oursurf camps in Punta Mita, or simply coming with your own board, we recommend bringing extra wax anyway – just in case. Alternatively, you can purchase once you arrive at any of the local surf shops.

Final tip: Don’t forget to keep your wax out of the way of the sun – trust us, that’s not the kinda’ sticky situation you wanna be in!


Whilst your surf wax may ooze aromas of bubblegum, banana, and other delicious things, we do not recommend eating it (no matter how hungry you get mid-sesh) – there’s absolutely no nutritional value! 😉

Happy Surfing in Mexico!!!!